Drop-ins for Resume, Cover Letter, and LinkedIn Profile critiques will return Monday, January 13  and will be available Mondays and Fridays from 1-4pm.

Search for Jobs and Internships here!


Through a free Handshake account, students and alumni can search and apply for part and full time jobs, upload resumes, research employers, rsvp for workshops, learn about other career events, and schedule an on campus interview.

All current UCF students already have a Handshake account.

  1. To log-in, use your NID and password. If you do not remember or have access to your NID, please visit the NID Look Up page. From there, you can reset your NID password if you need to.
  2. Final step: Complete your profile, and include information that you would like to be visible to employers.
  3. After completing your profile, upload your resume.* Make your resume visible to employers by selecting “Make Profile Public” on your profile. Posting your resume does not guarantee it will be noticed, so actively search the database on a regular basis. You can also set up job search alerts so new job listings you are interested in are emailed to you.
  4. Some employers hire third-party organizations to assist them in identifying and hiring college students. Please click here for NACE information on a Student’s Guide to Interviewing with Third Party Recruiters.

* By making your resume visible to employers, you are also making it available to third-party employers who use our system. Please click here for a definition of third-party recruiters.

On-Campus Interviews

Employers come to campus to interview UCF students and graduates for full-time, professional positions. To learn more about the registration and application process and to find out what companies are interviewing on campus, please check out Handshake!

Things to know before your interview:

  1. Employers may hold an information session the day before an on-campus interview date. If a session is mandatory, it will be notated on Handshake under the details of the interview schedule. Please read the schedule comments section carefully.
  2. Arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled interview time and check-in at our front counter. Ask for the recruiter’s name and whether the company has provided literature for you to review or an application to complete while waiting for your interview. After the interview, thank the recruiter for their time and follow-up by mailing a thank-you note.

Cancellation/No-Show Policy

If you need to change or cancel an interview appointment, you must contact us no later than 48 hours (2 working days) prior to the date of the interview. Interviewing is a privilege; failure to appear for interviews reflects poorly on you and the university. If you are a “No-Show” for an interview and want to keep your Handshake privileges, you will need to write a letter of apology to the employer. You must send this letter to csrecruit@ucf.edu for review. A Sample Apology Letter is available for you to review.

How to Identify an Employer You Can Trust

Trust. A simple five-letter word that has the power to make or break any relationship in life. And we’re not just talking about personal connections — trust plays a significant role in the professional world, too.

This Edelman Trust Barometer

By CareerShift
Job hunting & career management solutions
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How to De-Stress From the Job Search

It’s exciting to begin the search for your dream job, especially when you feel like you’ve finally honed in on what you want to do in your career. But the process of sifting through job listings, tidying up your resume, …

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LinkedIn Learning

Contact & Location


Kenneth G. Dixon Career Development Center, Building 140
4123 Pictor Lane
Orlando, FL 32816

Career Services Hours

Monday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm