Drop-In hours will return for the Summer Semester on Wednesday, May 15.

Employer Sponsorship Program

Looking to make a lasting impression on campus while establishing your organization as a true standout? With our Employer Sponsorship program, we offer you the golden opportunity to not only support our esteemed Career Services, but to amplify your brand presence in a way that will leave a lasting impact on both students and our campus community.

Imagine the possibilities of having your organization’s name at the forefront of students’ minds as they navigate their career paths. Our sponsorship program allows you to forge meaningful connections with ambitious talents, ensuring that your brand becomes synonymous with success, opportunity, and growth.

We appreciate your interest in supporting Career Services and increasing your presence on campus. Sponsorship opportunities include sponsoring an event or marketing your organization through collateral.

For more information in regards to partnering with our office and current sponsorship pricing, please contact ivana.krkljus@ucf.edu.

View our Employer Sponsorship offerings

Website Banner-Sponsor (1000 × 250 px) (1)