Grow with Google HSI Career Readiness Program

What is Grow with Google?

In today’s rapidly changing world, young people need more digital skills than ever to succeed in school and their careers. Yet, among 18- to 25-year-olds, less than half (44%) believe their education system is preparing them with the skills they need to enter the workforce. That is why UCF Career Services has partnered with the Grow with Google HSI Career Readiness Program to provide digital skills workshops and help students obtain the training they need to excel in the workplace.

The Grow with Google HSI Career Readiness Program is a series of courses designed to teach students the digital skills they need to succeed in the modern workplace. After completing the program students can request a Google certificate and badging.”


  • Career Services will raffle off $20 gift cards to select chosen students who complete at least one lesson during each semester.
  • A fantastic opportunity to build job skills that may qualify for extra credit. (Although encouraged, extra credit is at the discretion of each individual course instructor.)
  • Ability to include Grow with Google content into course curriculum
  • A professional development opportunity to learn about Grow with Google
  • Support the university strategic plan by connecting students to Career Services early in their progression, expanding the use of skills badging, and strengthening your career-integrated curriculum.
  • To get involved in the HSI Career Readiness Program please start with our faculty webcourse.

How to get started

To get started, please follow the directions attached to make a Skillshop account: HSI Career Readiness Program

More of a visual learner? Skillshop Getting Started Guide

Note: Some courses contain links to sites that may not be available in your preferred language or that require you to select your language. Also please note that the videos are only supported in chrome.

If you have already configured your account, login here to complete your lesson

Important: When you finish a lesson, you must hit the mark as complete button found at the end of each lesson for it to be counted.

The Grow with Google Career Readiness Program consists of several learning paths, each with core lessons for you to complete. The curriculum includes lessons such as building a personal brand, how to create a project plan, and writing a small business plan. It teaches and reinforces professional skills through projects that deliver tangible outcomes, such as a resume or cover letter. The learning paths also include optional extended learning opportunities: lessons you can take if you want to continue learning about a topic in a path or a topic related to something in the core content. For example, one core lesson teaches writing a resume; an extended learning lesson in the same path teaches about cover letters.

To start, please choose one lesson within a path and work through it. You may choose additional paths to complete, depending on your career goals, needs, and available time.

Here is a quick overview of the five learning paths:

  • Path 1: Build Your Digital Skills: Explore a variety of Google digital tools and how they can be used to increase productivity in the workplace and in everyday life.
  • Path 2: Explore Career Paths: Research possible career paths to figure out which career might be right for you. Then, create a career plan and start networking to find a job in the field.
  • Path 3: Land a Great Job: Use digital tools to search for a job, write a resume and cover letter, and learn how to stand out in interviews while conveying your personal brand throughout.
  • Path 4: Succeed at Your New Job: Practice running efficient meetings, managing projects, and presenting to organizational stakeholders.
  • Path 5: Start Your Own Business: Research business opportunities, write a business plan, and estimate the financing you’ll need to create your own business.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Skillshop is a one-stop shop training center for everyone who uses Google professional tools and solutions.

Skillshop provides training and education through comprehensive courses to help you shine in your job, transform your business, or land your next big opportunity. The Grow with Google HSI Career Readiness Program will be on Skillshop and feature five unique learning paths for students to choose from.

Grow with Google offers 5 various learning pathways which you can start and come back to finish at any time. Each lesson takes less than an hour to complete on average.

No. Not at all! Students can pick and choose which pathways you want to complete. Students must only complete one lesson to be considered for our gift card raffle.

It's great to know that you are already using this awesome resource! To sign up for the Grow with Google HSI Career Readiness Program, you will need to edit your profile. Please take the following steps:

  • Log into your Skillshop account
  • On the top right-hand side, click your account icon (first letter of your first-name) until a drop-down menu appears. Then select My Profile.
  • Select Edit Profile.
  • Under Company Email, enter your Knight’s email address.
  • This should bring you to a page prompting you to agree to a Data Sharing Agreement. This agreement simply allows Career Services staff to view your enrollment, progress, and completed lesson paths. You MUST click agree in order to receive school credit, certification certificates, or UCF promotions associated with this program.
  • Make sure you save any updates on your profile
  • To find the HSI Career Readiness Program, go to Browse (it’s the top left symbol that looks like an equal sign). Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click the HSI Career Readiness Program icon to access all the courses in the program.”


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