

Welcome faculty and staff partners. Career Services recognizes the importance of faculty in a student’s career journey.  You’re the face students come to know and trust, and will likely be one of the first places they go for career guidance.  We want to make sure we’re providing you with support thoughout the process so you can help students connect their classroom experience to their careers!

Career Services has liaisons who work with employers, faculty, and staff in each of their service areas. Your liaison is the best person to connect with to begin a partnership with Career Services.

Liaisons for colleges and academic units

Liaisons for campus partners outside of academic units

If you're unsure who your liaison would be, you can also reach out to our office at CareerPlanning@ucf.edu

We offer several ways  for faculty to partner with Career Services on assignments. For more information on any of the below tools, please reach out to your liason.

Career Services Toolkit and Webcourse - In this faculty webcourse, you will find lesson plans, presentations, and assignment ideas to include in your curriculum. Our modules are available for you to refer to, import into your own webcourse, or use in instructing your students on popular career topics and assign useful career readiness tasks. It's also a great way to receive announcements and recordings from Career Services. Faculty and staff can self-enroll here.

Handshake - Job postings, Career Fairs, and events/workshops can all be reviewed and RSVPed for in Handshake. Handshake is the primary tool used by Career Services and Experiential Learning for coordinating and promoting recruiting activities at UCF.  Faculty and staff are able to request a "student account" so that you can view and promote upcoming activities or employment opportunities to your students.

Big Interview - A practice interview website that lets students record themselves answering pre-recorded interview questions.  Faculty can request students send them links to the completed interviews, or can get administrative access to create assignments and get automated review support.

Ready to create your Big Interview account? Use access code 1963, then email csrecruit@ucf.edu to request an “admin” account.

  • Customize your assignment with pre-built templates or create your own questions, determine a due date, set a time limit per question(s), number of takes per recording, make the assignment link private or shareable.
  • Students that use this platform can practice answering all types of interview questions from various industries, plus the Artificial Intelligence career coach provides real-time mock interview feedback!

FOCUS 2 - Guides students through a reliable, intuitive career and education decision making model to help them choose a college, select a major, explore occupations, make informed career decisions and take action in their career development. The five assessments available will provide an overview of strengths, interests, skills, values, and personality type, and will reveal careers and majors at UCF that may be a good fit based on those results.

Faculty and staff who are interested in gaining administrative access to FOCUS 2 CAREER must complete the online request form. You can learn more about how you can incorporate these assessments into your course by viewing sample assignments in the Career Services Toolkit and Webcourse.

Workshops - Career Services offers a variety of workshops including Resume Building, Networking, and Job Searching. The list of upcoming events can be seen in Handshake, and on the right side of this page. Faculty are able to require students attend workshops as part of assignments or extra credit. You can also encourage students for the sake of their own career development. Connect with your liaison to discuss any participation tracking needed for your course.

Forage -  A virtual experience program that's free for all students. This tool provides projects for students to complete that will teach them practical employment skills that employers value.  Each project is created by a named employer and helps students learn how to complete specific professional tasks. The students are then given an example of the complete project done by the organization for comparison. Students can share the completed project with employers associated with the projects, and faculty can incorporate the projects into assignments.

To create a Handshake account as a faculty or staff members:

  1. Reach our to your liaison to request the access
  2. Your liasion will send you a qualtrics form to complete
  3. Inform your liaison once the form has been completed
  4. Create a Handshake accounting using your .edu email
  5. Career Services will review and approve your account (typically a few business days)

This program provides an opportunity for faculty to collaborate with Career Services and integrate the NACE Competency framework into their classes. Through syllabi statements and assignments, faculty will engage students in the identification, understanding, and application of skills sought by employers. If you're interested in learning more about the program, please reach out to CareerPlanning@ucf.edu.

There are many sources of industry information, but we generally recommend the following resources for initial research:

MyCareerShines- Includes the ability to browse information by Majors, Salary and Industry.

O*Net - Includes both Industry and occupational information in a consolidated and easy to read format.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Industry data collected by the United States Federal Government.


Looking to have Career Services present at an upcoming class?

Submit an Outreach Presentation Request