Drop-In hours will return for the Summer Semester on Wednesday, May 15.

First Destination Survey Employee FAQ

Q: What are post-graduation outcomes and why are they important?

A: Post-graduation outcomes focus on factors related to students’ next steps after graduation primarily employment and post-baccalaureate education. Post-graduation outcomes may be used to support strategic initiatives at UCF, provide information to students and families, serve as an alternative metric for Performance Based Funding, strengthen relationships between UCF and community employers and other stakeholders, as evidence for state and federal grants, and support regional and discipline accreditation standards.

Q: What is the First Destination Survey?

A: The First Destination Survey is a brief online survey that collects data elements about what graduating students are doing or plan to do upon graduating from UCF. Initiated in fall 2013, the First Destination Survey is administered in myUCF each term to graduating undergraduate and graduate students 4-5 weeks prior to commencement.

Q: How can I access the First Destination Survey results reports?

A: UCF faculty and staff can access First Destination Survey results reports through OEAS Knowledgebase. OEAS Knowledgebase is an online, self-serve platform that houses results reports for all enterprise-level student surveys, including the First Destination Survey. Visit https://knowledgebase.ucf.edu to access OEAS Knowledgebase. If you have access to https://assessment.ucf.edu then you can use the same credentials to access OEAS Knowledgebase. If not, you can request access by contacting Uday Nair with Operational Excellence and Assessment Support (OEAS) at oeas@ucf.edu.

Q: Are there summary reports and where can I find them?

A: OEAS creates an executive summary annually that can be accessed via OEAS Knowledgebase. Career Services summarizes the results into a one-page report. Both these reports can be accessed via OEAS Knowledgebase or the Career Services web site.

Q: When are the First Destination Survey results reports available in OEAS Knowledgebase?

A: First Destination Survey results reports from the prior term are typically available 10-12 weeks after commencement.

Q: What factors related to a student’s employment are collected in the First Destination Survey?

A: Graduates are asked about their employment status at graduation, employer name, location of employment, annual salary, job title, job’s relation to field of study, industry or field of the job, and other factors.

Q: What factors related to a student’s post-baccalaureate education are collected in the First Destination Survey?

A: Graduates are asked about their post-baccalaureate education status at graduation, name of the institution, location of the institution, field of study, degree sought, and other factors.

Q: I did not find what I was looking for in the OEAS Knowledgebase. What can I do?

A: The First Destination Survey instrument can be found within OEAS Knowledgebase. If there are items on the survey that are of interest to you, but are not available via OEAS Knowledgebase, please contact Operational Excellence and Assessment Support for further discussion and custom analysis.