Drop-In hours will return for the Summer Semester on Wednesday, May 15.

Alumni Test

LightbulbDiscover Your Interests and UCF Majors

Explorer's CompassExplore Careers and Industries

ResumePrepare Before the Job Search

Two people talking at an interviewSearch for Jobs

Graduation CapConsider Graduate School

Make an appointment with an Alumni Career Advisor by filling out the Career Services Appointment Request Form–Alumni.

  • To expedite your request, please complete the Career Services Request Form. Due to high volume of inquiries and UCF being closed for the holiday season, your request will be answered during the first week of January 2017. In the meantime, please refer to our Career Services module for assistance. Thank you for your patience.
  • Alumni must also register on KnightLink before meeting with a career counselor.
  • Please allow at least six (6) business days for staff to respond to appointment requests.

Get some of your questions answered now! Check out this guide of tips and tricks to reach your career goals.

Dress For Success

Dress for Success is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and development tools to help women thrive in work and in life. Dress for Success gives low-income women a personal shopper to help peruse donated professional clothing to make sure each woman leaves with an outfit and accessories to make her feel confident for her upcoming interview, career fair or first day on the job. If interested please fill out this form and have a Career Services staff member complete it.


UCF Alumni Success Stories:

'I am so grateful to the UCF Alumni and Career Services team for helping me through my time in transition. and I was fortunate enough to cross paths with Leah Goldson. Shortly after meeting with her, I earned 3 great interviews with 3 great brands. Receiving offers from all 3, I had options and that was a great feeling. I chose to move forward with AAA National Headquarters and am a Senior Program Specialist in the Discounts and Rewards department. I love my new role and I am so very proud to be a Knight!' - UCF Alum  'I'm highly encouraged and have a renewed sense of excitement and hope as it relates to my job search!' - UCF Alum